Malaysia is a relatively small country with Peninsular Malaysia having a land area of 132,090 sq km. The scale of nuclear risk can be comprehended by comparing this will the total area – 150,000 sq km – contaminated by the Chernobyl, Russia, fallout (IAEA, Chernobyl FAQ).
Coincidently, the reactor that blew up in Chernobyl has a capacity of 1,000MW, similar in capacity to the one planned here.......Continue reading this article here.The Star : Nuclear plants face risk of tsunamisWill the government will ever care on this basis, where will they will evacuate us in a wake of a nuclear disaster since our country is small, swim out to the sea? I understand all was fine with the Japaneses Nuclear plants for the past 40 years the plants in operations until this Tsunami and Earthquake. Lucky for them they build it to withstand a 7.scale earthquake and yet, thank god, the plants stayed when the 9 magnitude earthquake struck!. We need to explore others ways for our energy needs, and i also understand within the SEA region, there are plans to build nuclear plants by Vietnam, Indonesia and also, Thailand.
So, its just not Malaysia, Malaysia need to work with its regional counterparts to ensure that the SEA region remains Nuclear free. It pointless if Malaysia withstand from building a nuclear plant yet its neighbors don't, since the risk of a nuclear fallout does not stop at borders!. Read HERE Asian Nations Closely Monitor Japan's Nuclear-Plant Problems
Nothing Happens for no reasons, all happens for a reason and this case its a timely lesson. The nature is becoming very unpredictable and volatile.
I hope countries that are ambitious about building its first or new and increase its nuclear plants will take cue of the nuclear crisis in Japan.